- ready to connect???
- ready to connect???
- ready to connect???
- ready to connect???
- ready to connect???
- ready to connect???

Join us for the finissage of the *Connecting Ecosystems* exhibition on Saturday, October 5, 2024, from 4 to 10 PM at the Werkstatt Soziokultur Zentrum (Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 175) in Kassel! Let’s come together to cook Bengali food, make music, and share films, sound, and art as we celebrate the journey of this incredible project.
The night before, on October 4, we’ll kick off with a special film screening at 6 PM, featuring short films from our international open call *ROOTING*—exploring land, home, and environmental change through the lens of young artists from Bangladesh, Indonesia, and Germany. At 8 PM, we’ll continue with our *Connecting Ecosystems* film program, showcasing works from Shada and Amber, including short films, interviews, and project documentation. At 9:30 PM, both artists will lead a discussion on the films and the overall project, creating space for reflection and conversation.
We’ll be present both days to answer any questions and engage with you in this final weekend of *Connecting Ecosystems*. Join us to celebrate this vibrant journey!

Join us for the grand opening of the connecting ecosystems exhibition in the Kasseler Museumsnacht on September 7, 2024, at the Werkstatt Soziokultur Zentrum (Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 175) in Kassel! This special event will feature the works of artists Bellina Erby, Karsten Winnemuth, Amber Theisen, Ella von der Haide, Kazi Sydul Karim Tuso, and Md. Khairul Alam (Shada) and more.
The day will begin with an opening talk at 3 PM, followed by a live screen printing session from 4 to 6 PM. Feel free to bring your own harvest and used shirts for custom prints! At 6:30 PM, a captivating performance will take place, and the evening will conclude with a lively karaoke session at the tram station infront of the venue from 9 to 11 PM. Waiting for the tram? Just join us for KARAOKEsofort!
The exhibition will be on display from September 7 to October 6, 2024.
Additionally, there will be an artist talk on September 10, 2024.

17. AUGUST 2024, 6 pm
Community Garden
WELCOME TO connecting ecosystems
On Saturday, the 17th of August, at 6 PM at Huttenplatz, we invite you to join us for an introduction to our resident artists and their work. We will present the project connecting ecosystems so far and focus on the upcoming summer programme. The evening will feature a sharing of Bengali food, offering a taste of the culture that informs much of the artists’ creative processes. Additionally, we will screen a selection of videos on the walls outside, providing a visual insight into the project and the themes explored by the artists. This event is an opportunity to engage with the artists, enjoy a meal together, and experience the project in a relaxed, community setting.

20. AUGUST 2024, 6-8pm
Werkstatt Soziokultur Zentrum, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 175 Kassel
Opportunities and Challenges of the Supply Chain Act
Exploitation in factories, water pollution, and land grabbing continue in the supply chains of German companies. The German Supply Chain Act (2023) and the European version (2024) aim to address these issues by holding companies accountable for human rights and environmental standards. But what are the act’s strengths and weaknesses?
The Supply Chain Act highlights the global interconnectedness of our “ecosystems” and reminds us that these connections come with responsibility.
This workshop will explore the law’s history, key stakeholders, and its practical impact.
English with German translation. Participation is free. Nadja Ahmad (Ev. Akademie Hofgeismar).

21. AUGUST 2024, 7-9pm
Lutherstraße 2
34117 Kassel
We invite you to a unique musical experience as Indonesian band “Lair” joins forces with German experimental band Strom for a eccentric jam session at Trafohaus on Wednesday, August 21st, at 7 PM. Lair, known for their lyrical depth and usage of clay instruments from Jatiwangi—a region renowned for its traditional roof tile industry in Indonesia—will merge their sound with Strom’s instrumental, experimental soundscapes. Together, they will explore themes of soil, heritage, and care, as reflected in songs like “Tanah Bertuah” and “Bangkai Belantara.” This fusion of organic, handcrafted sounds with inventive experimentation, broadcast live on the radio, offers a thought-provoking musical journey.

22. AUGUST 2024, 6 pm
Mombachstraße 10
34127 Kassel
LAIR (pronounced “lah-eer,” a local dialect for “birth” in Indonesian) is a six-member Psych-Soul/Funk group from Jatiwangi, West Java.
Formed in 2018, LAIR’s music and presentation are lively and honest, drawing inspiration from traditional Pantura Tarling, a musical art form popular along the northern coast of West and Central Java.
Their second LP, Ngélar, delves into deeper social themes, often focusing on “tanah” (land and soil), reflecting their hometown’s history as a major clay producer. Their terracotta instruments symbolize the deep connection to their land.
Together with singer-songwriter Monica Hapsari, they celebrate harvest rituals and lament the loss of Jatiwangi’s forests, now threatened by industrialization. Despite its melancholy, the album is a joyful reflection of their daily lives in North Java.
Admission is free, donations are welcome!

23. AUGUST 2024, 6-8pm
W.A.L.D performativer Spaziergang
Our theatrical collective, consisting of trees and humans, makes multispecies communication on equal footing a tangible experience for the audience. Trees and humans are choreographers and performers.
This is a performative walk in five acts – featuring the choir of the forest, a duet between an aerial artist and a tree, danced more-than-human solos, and group choreographies. The human performers are small among the large trees, yet they appear sheltered and protected. We perceive the strength, but also the fragility, of these great plants. The audience is invited to activate their own senses, to participate in the shared dance, and to understand the language of the trees with increasing fluency.

24. AUGUST 2024, 4:30pm
Community Garden Huttenplatz
On Saturday, the 24th of August, from 2-5 PM, we invite you to “7000 Humans Encounter with the Unknown,” a workshop inspired by Sally Sachs. Led by Social Sculpture Lab Kassel, this session encourages participants to engage in a connective aesthetic practice, using active listening and imagination to explore new ways of thinking together.

30. AUGUST 2024, 5-9pm
Werkstatt Soziokultur Zentrum, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 175 Kassel
Join us from 5-9 PM at Werkstatt for “Social Kitchen.” Edible City invites you to an evening where cooking and sharing food together becomes a celebration of community. This gathering is an opportunity to connect with others through the shared experience of preparing and enjoying a meal.

31. AUGUST 2024, 2pm
Community Garden
Join us on Saturday, August 31st, from 2 to 6 PM at Huttenplatz for a workshop blending traditional bamboo craftsmanship with ecological reflection. Led by the Connecting Ecosystems team, this session explores bamboo’s role in nature and human-made environments. Engage in bamboo working techniques and discover Ikebana, an art form highlighting the harmony between human creativity and nature. The Britto Arts Trust, known for their bamboo installations like the Social Kitchen and Social Garden, will also share their experience working with village artisans in Bangladesh.

01. SEPTEMBER 2024, 6-8pm
Neue Brüderkirche
On the evening of Sunday, the 1st of September, from 6-7:30 PM at Brüderkirche, we invite you to participate in the “Microbiom Church Service.” This inter-religious worship honors the non-human species and microbes that share our environment, offering a moment of reflection on our interconnectedness with all forms of life.

03. SEPTEMBER 2024, 2-5pm

06. SEPTEMBER 2024, 5-9pm
Werkstatt Soziokultur Zentrum, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 175 Kassel
Join us from 5-9 PM at Werkstatt for “Social Kitchen.” Edible City invites you to an evening where cooking and sharing food together becomes a celebration of community. This gathering is an opportunity to connect with others through the shared experience of preparing and enjoying a meal.

07. SEPTEMBER 2024, 3-12 pm
Werkstatt Soziokultur Zentrum, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 175 Kassel
Saturday, the 7th of September, at 3 PM at Werkstatt, we invite you to the “Night of the Museums,” where the exhibition on connecting ecosystems will open. This event will feature materials and works from our residency artists and past events, offering a space to reflect on the themes of interconnectedness and ecological balance explored throughout the project.

10. SEPTEMBER 2024, 7 pm
Werkstatt Soziokultur Zentrum, Friedrich-Ebert-Straße 175 Kassel
connecting ecosystems ARTIST TALK
Join us on Tuesday, the 10th of September, at Werkstatt for the final event in our series: an “Artist Talk.” The Connecting Ecosystems team, along with residency artists Shada and Tuso, will discuss the project’s journey, sharing insights into the collaborative processes and creative explorations that have shaped this initiative.