EVENT // FILM SCREENING// Film:Queer Gardening // 7th December 2023 // JATIWANGI/BANDUNG/BOGOR / BALI // JATIWANGI ART FACTORY + queer garden in Bandung + NGO IN BALI + GOR// by Ella von der Haide

During the journey, it was important for us to share some of our creative and ecological work and knowledge with our hosts. For documenta fifteen, Indonesian artists brought their artworks to Kassel, and we set out to present our creative work in Indonesia on a smaller scale. Our hope was that by sharing, eco-social networks would connect. It was also an attempt to give back something for the incredible hospitality we received.

What fascinated me (Ella von der Haide) the most was whether my Film “QUEER GARDENING” a film about queer-feminist gardening would generate interest in predominantly Islamic Indonesia. Indeed, I was pleasantly surprised by the openness with which the film was discussed. Even in an Islamic boarding school, the film was screened and discussed by the students.

I was particularly delighted by the screening of my film about the conflict in Kashmir in Bandung. The reason for selecting this film was the organizer Ferial’s emphasis on showing the neighborhood that in such conflicts and wars, there are always positions that are not represented or barely represented in the media, making it difficult to judge from afar. Thus, she urged the audience to be cautious about taking a casual stance on the Israel/Palestine conflict.

Being an Artist in Residence in JaF also involved the task of working directly in Jatiwangi and creating added value for the local population. From this impulse, we initiated collaboration with Tunas Nusa to actively participate in the Perhutana Project.

Mrs. Ramalis from Tunas Nusa then asked me (Ella) to share my knowledge in workshops on agroecology. Initially, it felt strange as a European to conduct workshops on tropical soil life and agroecology. After all, the landscape around Jatiwangi is historically shaped by colonial exploitation for sugarcane production. I’m sure I made many mistakes, but I also received positive feedback. It was important for me not to present my knowledge in a conventional frontal manner but to open up multi-sensory learning spaces for the participants through participation. We are curious to see how our impulses will be received in further collaboration.

Film screening and discussion:

1. Film: Queer Gardening
Where: Bogor, Islamic Boarding Free School Pesantren Ekologi Misykat Al-Anwar
Participants: 25 school children aged 12-17

2. Film: Queer Gardening
Where: JaF cinema at the Sasikirana Dance Camp
Participants: approximately 30 young dancers

3. Film: “Women between the frontlines, Kashmir”

Where: Bandung, GORĀ 
Participants: approximately 25 people

4. Film:Queer Gardening
Where: In a queer garden in Bandung
Participants: 8 queer individuals

5. Film: Queer GardeningWhere: Denpasar Bali, at an NGO that manages community gardens
Participants: 30 people